YSA 229th Ward


Dear Stake Members,

We love you! We are so excited to share with you our stake purpose statement, with the primary goal of helping each one of us to be able to confidently say: “I am striving to make Jesus Christ the center of my life and become a lifelong convert to Him.” When we are centered on Christ we experience more joy, peace, and rest, as President Nelson has taught.

One simple way to begin to center your life on Christ is to participate weekly in institute. Join us for dinner at 6:30, with spiritual nourishment from 7-8, and activities to follow. The institute kickoff is this Wednesday, September 6 starting at 6:30 with a catered meal from Wallaby’s at the MSB 352 North 900 East. As a Stake Presidency we personally invite and encourage you to make institute a part of your week as a means to center your life on Christ. We promise more peace, joy, and rest as you do.

16th Stake Presidency

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